The secret to leaning out is super easy, and if you lean in really close I'll tell you what it is. For free.
My bodybuilding consultant and guide along this journey is my friend and colleague Muna Breitem, who has the unique ability to be incredibly kind and objectively
terrifying all in the same breath. It's quite something.
Muna has me eating constantly and consistently throughout the day. Three or four cups of greens, either spinach or broccoli and, on occasion, asparagus (and on one particularly inventive evening, all three. In the same meal. Now that's a party! ), paired with between 100 and 150 grams of lean protein, a small portion of basmati rice and a few almonds. That's what I eat, each an every day, along with a protein shake, nutritional supplements and water. That's it.
And you know what? It's almost never boring. I'm hungry ALL THE TIME.
Sorry for the yelling, but I got hungry again.
Today was Tuesday, so it was back/biceps day and it sucked hard. But I was able to go slightly longer to failure with slightly heavier weights for a few more sets, so I call that a win.
Here was today's set:
Circuit/superset 1
Bent over barbell rows 20 reps
Standing supinated pulley rows 25 reps
Cage pull-ups to failure (13-19 reps)
Rest 45 seconds
Repeat 4 times
Circuit/superset 2
Seated rows 20 reps
Bent over rows 20 reps
prone grip face pulls 20 reps
Dumbbell bicep curl pyramid 12 reps @25 /12 reps@27.5/ 12 reps@30lbs (36 total reps)
Barbell bicep curl to failure (15-22 reps)
Supinated grip lat pulldown 20 reps
Repeat 4 times
Chin up to failure (12-10-8 reps)
Single arm dumbbell row15 reps each arm
Pull ups to failure (six-five-five. I still weigh 235 pounds, dammit)
Repeat three times.
Now, my arms can barely drive a car, but my biceps are fully engorged!
What kind of supplements do you take?