The universe gives you what you need, when you need it, and only then.
That’s a fact.
It’s a fact I have resisted for too long, beating my head against a wall of emotional stubbornness and wanting what the universe tried to tell me time and time again was not for me.
I had to be smacked with a wrapped newspaper, right on the forehead.
It’s so obvious when you think about it. Life, the universe, destiny, fate, kismet – call it what you like, but it’s a very real thing that brims with its own energy.
It never, ever gives what you want, and ESPECIALLY when you want it. You might get it, but it will be hollow and inauthentic.
When you get what you need, though? The universe is not subtle. It will hit you over the head like the aforementioned wrapped newspaper with signs and it benefits people to listen.
Without getting into too many personal details – no one needs that, you gossipmongers – I had found myself in a position where darkness had descended and I felt crazy low. So low, in fact, I thought the light at the end of the tunnel was actually the train coming my way.
But as the summer progressed and some of the despondence I felt was mitigated by merely – and I say this with such a trifle but it’s really so important – living with love in my heart. I tried to do that at every turn. I spent time with people I barely knew, and sometimes with people I have known forever. All of them got that from me. I coached football with love in my heart and I gave my friends and loved ones grace and space.
Whichever of those they happened to need. Some needed grace. Some needed space. But all of them – down to people I have even grown to loathe – got it from me.
I loved them up close. I loved them at a distance. But I loved them all, and showed up every chance I could – with love in my heart.
And what do you know? It paid off in dividends. Right around the end of August, something shifted. It was like the universe had realized that I was in a place to get what I needed. I followed the signs and as November prepares to descend upon us, I can safely say the universe has a plan, bro.
And I can’t explain how everything has changed, except to say everything has changed. My personal relationships are more satisfying, my work is more fulfilling and I wake up happy every single morning. I get to coach football every night with dear friends who are as competitive as I am.
Like, how cool is that?
That’s also a choice. It’s easy to be sad when you think about that which you don’t have. It’s sometimes hard to be happy – but man, oh man. It’s worth every damn drop of effort that you have to put in.
I suppose that’s an extremely scenic route to get to my point, but here we have arrived nonetheless.
I’m so grateful that I’m able to cut toxic people out of my life. I’m grateful that I can hold those friends who are good for me close as well.
I’m grateful for my friends who have supported me in what has been a time of transition and emotional disruption for me. I have learned things about myself that I didn’t know before. I also confirmed some things, such as the notion that daily weight training can help cure anything that ails you. Some mornings I wake up with a sore back and then after I lift, it’s not sore.
Movement is medicine. Still is. Likely always gonna be.
Start by walking into the gym and asking a few questions. I hear all the time from people that they just don’t know where to begin.
That’s where a fitness professional comes in. Message me today and we can get you started. Marclalondefitness@gmail.com or call me at 514-742-5465.